Skillizen: Life Skills Curriculum, Life Skill Education, Education and Training
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Grade 8


Objective: Session 1

. Discuss the loyalties of followers and where they place their support.
. Learn when and how to question leadership respectfully.

Objective: Session 2

. Understand the importance and need to act sometimes as a follower for the good of the group.
. Identify situations in which assuming a leadership role is appropriate.
. Discuss the concept of civil disobedience.

Objective: Session 3

. Evaluate the roles of leaders in the family, school, community, state, and nation; andin distinct ethnic groups and different world cultures.
. Understand that as contexts change, the student’s role as follower or leader may change.
. Discuss the effects of changing situations upon leadership roles in the family, school, community, state, and nation.

Objective: Session 4

. Analyze and interpret purpose, meaning, and expression of feeling within a variety of situations.
. Examine one’s own ideas and feelings in relation to those of others.
. Use effective written, verbal, and nonverbal skills to present information.


Objective: Session 1

Needs and Wants in Practice

. Able to develop connection between needs/wants and goods/services to fulfill the same.
. Able to develop connection between human needs/wants and what our planet hasto offer.
. Able to develop connection between needs/wants and rich and poor people/countries.

Objective: Session 2

Goods and Services

. Understanding the concepts ‘Goods’ and ‘Services’ ∑ Knowing what are Public Goods and Private Goods ∑ Characteristics of Public Goods and Private Goods
. Knowing what are Services and various types of services
. Characteristics of Service Economy and Product Economy
. Introducing the terms ‘Producers and Consumers’

Objective: Session 3

Producers and Consumers

. Understanding who are Producers and Consumers.
. How Producers and Consumers are interrelated
. Knowing the type of resources used by Producers (Natural, Human and Capital).
. Introduce Natural, Human and Capital Resources.

Objective: Session 4


. Knowing what are Natural Resources.
. Understanding the use and abuse of Natural resources.
. Understanding other resources like Capital and Human Resources.
. Understanding what are Human and Capital Resources.


Objective: Session 1

. To learn describing feelings and how to be supportive towards each other
. To practice ways to be more empathetic

Objective: Session 2

. To understand the importance of making important decisions and to generate solutions to problems
. To identify the characteristics of leadership
. To understand the role of leadership within a team


Objective: Session 1

Eco space

. Identify the amount of resources that can be used without damaging the environment
. Learn to evaluate and optimize the industrial impact over environment
. Support thedifferent organizations working for the cause

Objective: Session 2


. Protect the native species and their habitat
. Increase the production sustainable resources


Objective: Session 1

. Researching, comparing and analyzingproduct information
. Gaining a greater understanding of how to manage finances and avoid debt

Objective: Session 2

. Determining the greater economic and social impact of every consumer decision
. Understanding the overall societal and environmental impact ofliving in a consumer society
. Being skilled in negotiating, offering constructive complaints and resolving problems


Objective: Session 1

. To discuss and share personal experiences and feelings
. To know the relevance of ethics
. To know why you should abide by ethics
. How to deal with peer pressure.

Objective: Session 2

. To understand that our actions affect people around us ∑ To identify good and bad reactions
. To debate and discuss the choices and their practicalities.
. To discuss and share personal experiences and feelings

Objective: Session 3

. To understand how to react in ethical dilemmas
. How to deal with dilemmas and religious ethics
. Learn how to expand as an ethical individual
. To discuss and share personal experiences and feelings

Objective: Session 4

. To understand religious ethics around us
. To identify the ethical responsibilities associated with religion
. To understand that all religions demand equal respect


Objective: Session 1

Thinking about research

. What is research?
. Why research?
. What is original?
. Truth, power and values

Objective: Session 2

Getting started

. Choosing a topic
. What to do if you can’t think of a topic
. Focusing
. Individual and group research
. Keeping your research diary


Objective: Session 1

. Introduction to Listening skills
. To know the difference between hearing and listening.
. Learners will know the difference between hearing and listening.
. Learners will become more aware of themselves, while listening to others.

Objective: Session 2

. To know communication Rights and Responsibilities
o You have the right to be treated with respect
o You have the right to have and express your opinion
o You have the right to ask for what you need and want in order to be effective
o You have the right to set reasonable limits Responsibilities:
o You have the responsibility to treat others with respect
o You have the responsibility to listen to opinion of others
o You have the responsibility to acknowledge and address the needs of others
o You have the responsibility to respect the limits and boundaries of others

Objective: Session 3

. Knowing the types of Communications.
o Intrapersonal Communication
o Interpersonal Communication
o Small Group Communication
o Public Communication or Public Speaking
o Mass Communication
o Non-Verbal Communication

Objective: Session 4

. To enable students to understand the importance of following instructions/directions.
. Knowing what is assertive communication
. To learn to use assertive messages, especially when you want to say “No”

Empathy & Compassion

Objective: Session 1

. Describe how one person's positive behavior can affect the self-esteem and confidence of self and others
. Explore the expectations parents and teens have of one another
. Identify and expressfeelings

Objective: Session 2

. Identify and practice strategies and skills of support for purposes of helping a peer
. Identify situations where peer pressure is likely to be a challenge and outline strategies for saying "No"
. Think of a time that you hurt someone’s feelings. Describe what happened. How did you know you hurt the person’s feelings? How did you feel about the situation? What did you do to  make the situation better?
. Discuss how you think your school would change if all of the students showed empathy toward one another. Do you think it would be a big change or a small change? Why do you  think so?


Objective: Session 1

. Simple understanding of architecture, operating systems, algorithms, databases, networks, resource sharing, memory management, firewalls; How stuff works, mail, hyperlinks.

Objective: Session 2

. Elementary trouble shooting, control panel settings, Internet usage expertise

Objective: Session 3

. Understanding of online transactions and importance of security.


Objective: Session 1

Understanding the Steps in Decision Making: Part 1

. Recognize the problem or opportunity
. Analyze the situation
. Consider your goals
. Look for alternatives
. Consider the consequences

Objective: Session 2

Understanding the Steps in Decision Making: Part 2

. Select the best alternative(from amongst the possible choices)
. Act upon the decision

Objective: Session 3

Understanding the Steps in Decision Making: Part 2

. Accept the responsibility
. Evaluate the results