. Identify the roles of leaders in the family, school, community, state, and nation.
. Understand that as situations change, the student’s role as follower or leader may change.
. Describe the effects of changing situations upon leadership roles in the family, classroom, and school.
. Listen and read for purpose, meaning, and expression of feeling within a variety of situations.
. Share own ideas and feelings both verbally and in writing.
. Empathize with others.
. Seek resolutions to problems.
. Provide and respond appropriately to positive feedback.
. Work as a team to communicate and support group projects.
. Generate alternative solutions to problems.
. Describe the consequences of personal decisions.
. Work toward consensus in making group decisions.
. Participate in orderly, organized group processes.
. Recognize that it is possible to have a variety of personal goals.
. Review and set new short-term goals on a regular basis.
. Set long-term goals.
. Evaluate and modify personal goals.
Need and Want of Countries
. Relate need and want of countries.
The Economic cycle
. Explain how demand-supply affects the market.
. Factors for price rise
. Illustrate factors that results in price rise.
. Illustrate role of a bank.
. Show how money can be paid in different form.
Barter Trade
. Illustrate the importance of barter trade.
. To instill coordination in learners to make them proficient in their assigned task
. To encourage learners to work together in a group and strengthen the team spirit
. To encourage learners to understand the concept of responsibility
. To encourage learners to demonstrate responsibility in different ways
Reducing pollution and eliminating toxic substances
. Learn the methods to reduce pollution
. Identify the toxic substances in our daily lives and learn to eliminate them
Classification of waste and its disposal
. Understand the classification of waste and its disposal
. Identify three types of decision making.
. Relate responsible decision making with effective career and life planning.
. Understand that freedom is not asked for, instead it is earned
. Identify the responsibility accompanying any kind of freedom that they wish for or that they already have
. Live life to the fullest; being conscious of themselves, their own needs, strengths and weaknesses
. To have clarity in respect to the lifelong plan they have established
. To experience and practice the values, principles and beliefs they have acquired
. To fully enjoy uniqueness and individuality in their thoughts, feelings and acts
. To accept themselves as they are, and in the same way love and accept others as they are
. Identify some basic environmental ethics
. Take the initiative to care for Mother Earth in every possible way
. Create a little survey to know how much people are aware about their responsibility towards environment.
. Practice respectful behavior
. Explain the concept of self-respect
. Identify similarities they have with their peers that they might not have known about.
. Build a sense of unity and excitement around being part of a group of similar peers.
The control management
. Understand the importance of impulse control, patience and frugality.
. Strike a deal
An educated shopper
. Learn the essentials of shopping –before andafter
. Understand product safety and warranties ∑ Shopping online