Skillizen: Life Skills Curriculum, Life Skill Education, Education and Training
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Grade 3


Objective: Session 1

. Share personal goals.
. Discuss the importance of setting goals.

Objective: Session 2

. To emphasize that success occurs when you play to the STRENGTHS of others
. To have productive discussions about how groups/people work
. Why is delegating so important to a successful team?

Objective: Session 3

. Name different communities in which people can concurrently hold membership, such as family, class, and school.
. Demonstrate awareness that good citizens of a community recognize and address community needs, such as food, clothing, and shelter for all.
. Identify important community needs.

Objective: Session 4

. List the roles and responsibilities of a citizen in the family, class, and school.
. Recognize that good citizens assume active roles in the family, class, and school.

Objective: Session 5

. Recognize that good leaders take care of and preserve their family, class, and school communities.
. Illustrate that respect and caring for others include sharing classroom and school resources.

Objective: Session 6

. Recognize that community needs can be more important than individual benefits.
. Knowing what it means to have a unselfish behavior.
. List ways that good leaders care about the needs of others.


Objective: Session 1

Goods and Services

. Who produces goods and services?

Objective: Session 2

. People Use Resources to Produce What Other People Want
. Factors of Production: Natural Resources, Labor, Capital
. Resources in the School

Objective: Session 3

Impact ofneed and want

. Define demand and supply.
. Discuss its impact on money.

Objective: Session 4

Buy and Sell

. Define trade.
. Difference between barter and direct trade.
. Describing real life example of barter and direct trade

Objective: Session 5


. Define money.
. Discuss different currencies.
. Discuss different type of currencies and coins.

Objective: Session 6

Who are you?

. Define consumer.
. Illustrate consumer duties.


Objective: Session 1

. To enable learners to understand the value of compromise while working in a team
. To encourage learners to instill the value of cooperation and become a cooperative team worker

Objective: Session 2

. To encourage learners to listen actively
. To encourage learners to convey a message clearly, concisely, and directly


Objective: Session 1

Energy, Water and the environment

. Highlight the importance of energy and water
. Identify the human bond with the environment

Objective: Session 2

Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

. Understand the benefits of reducing, reusing and recycling waste


Objective: Session 1

. Identify similarities and differences among each other with regards to social/physical differences, attitudes, abilities, likes, dislikes etc.
. Develop an appreciation of individual and cultural differences
. Demonstrate cooperation with others
. Draw a unique person

Objective: Session 2

. Develop an understanding that it is important to tell the truth
. Identify consequences of hiding the truth

Objective: Session 3

. Demonstrate awareness of the need to compromise with others
. Learning ways to resolve a conflict rather than fighting over

Objective: Session 4

. Develop a respect for rules in life
. Understand the importance of rules
. Learn that following the rules require self-control