Skillizen: Life Skills Curriculum, Life Skill Education, Education and Training
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Grade 10


Objective: Session 1

. CIRICIRI” –the magical recipe of personality traits for making leaders
. C –Competency (worth looking up to)
. I –Integrity (being very honest with yourself)
. R –Responsibility (be the last man standing)
. I –Innovation (daring to think original)
. C –Courage (strength of conviction)
. I –Intensity (passion to pursue)
. R –Reliability (Mr. Dependable)
. I –Inspiration(to inspire and to be inspired)
. Understand the effectiveness of leaders according to the traits they demonstrate

Objective: Session 2

. Demystify the concept of teamwork.
. Describe the telltale signs of successful teamwork in action.
. Learn the importance of first impressions as well as looking beyond first impressions for teambuilding.

Objective: Session 3

. Compare your ideas and feelings with those of others.
. Learn that effective communication requires written, verbal, and nonverbal skills.
. Identify the barriers to effective communication, specifically lack of listening.
. Learn how to provide and respond positively to constructive criticism.
. Learn how to make people agree to you and how to work with disagreement.

Objective: Session 4

. Understand clearly the meaning and importance of community or social circles.
. List down different communities you think you are a part of –your family, your class, your school
. Learn to list down important community needs, you are a part of –your family, your class, your school
. The 3S formula to be more than a citizen of your community
1. Spotting the problems
2. Serving withpassion
3. Skid marks on the path- leave a trail and inspire others to follow


Objective: Session 1


. Concept of Money
. Who prints money and how they decide about how much they can print.
. Role of government policy about Money.

Objective: Session 2


. Knowing what is Currency.
. Knowing about different forms of Currencies (Pictures, Symbols and Colors)
. Knowing the rationale behind Pictures, Symbols and Colors
. What are the characteristics of Money (Durability, Divisibility and Portability?)
. Understand how money differs from Country to Country.
. Understanding ways in which countries try to prevent people from copying, or "counterfeiting," their currencies.

Objective: Session 3


. Understanding what is a Market
. Understanding the Characteristics of a Market
. Understanding how prices are determined by consumers and producers
. Understanding how price determine the activities in Market
. Understanding how some prices are controlled and not controlled by Government.

Objective: Session 4

Demand& Supply

. Understanding the concepts ‘Demand & Supply’.
. Drawing a supply and demand curve and label the parts.
. Understanding the Laws of Demand and Supply
. Understanding and demonstrating the relationship that prices play in supply and demand for different goods and services.
. Understanding the concepts ‘Surplus, Shortage, and Equilibrium’.


Objective: Session 1

. To enable learners to understand the role of communication in day-to- day life and to convey a message clearly, concisely, and directly

Objective: Session 2

. To help learners understand the steps required to solve a problem

Objective: Session 3

. To instill the value of being brave in learners and develop skills that facilitates courage by performing common group activities
. To encourage learners to be able to identify one’s fear and to think of strategies to overcome them

Objective: Session 4

. To enable learners to understand how to manage their own behavior
. To enable learners to understand the importance of self-discipline


Objective: Session 1

Understanding the Self-Development Model through KSA Model

. Knowledge: Getting information, retaining it and recalling it
. Skills: Performing a task
. Attitude: Taking an Approach

Objective: Session 2

Factors affecting the Self –Learning

. How much we recognize the need to learn the particular content in hand
The time we have in hand to work on our learning

Objective: Session 3

. The benefit that we might get from having undertaken the learning
. How interested we are in the content

Objective: Session 4

Knowing different approaches towards Learning

. Surface Learning
. Deep Learning
. Strategic Learning


Objective: Session 1

. Creating a social media reputation.
. Managing your social media reputation.

Objective: Session 2

How to:

. Engage in sensible conversation.
. Grow and foster engaged social media communities.


Objective: Session 1

Importance of Networking Skill in Life

. Explain why networking is important in life.
. Evaluate your existing Networking skill.

Objective: Session 2

Develop Networking skill in you

. Identify whom to network.
. Demonstrate different networking approach.
. Demonstrate how to be successful in networking.


Objective: Session 1

Types of Planning

. Strategic
. Operational

Objective: Session 2

Explaining Strategic Planning
. Long term goals
. Broad goals
. Group or organization as whole

Objective: Session 3

Explaining Operational Planning
. Short Term
. Specific goals
. Department or groups within the organization


Objective: Session 1

. Understanding the meaning of creativity and innovation and what strategies can be used to enhance the creative thinking process.

Objective: Session 2

. Implementing the creative thinking strategies to think and create something new, different and innovative.
. Understanding with the help of creative thinking process that there can be multiple answers to a situation and can help us innovate and create something new.


Objective: Session 1

. To make students understand the significance of financial plans and help them develop a positive financial behavior.
. To help them become good decision makers and planners.
. To make them understand economic reasoning and identify fraudulent money objects or activities.

Objective: Session 2

. To make students understand about personal bankruptcy, income and make them realize their duty being responsible citizens of the country to pay taxes.
. To make them understand Interest and distinguish between Simple and Compound interest.
. Tohelp them choose a career path for themselves.


Objective: Session 1

Delivering your presentation: Part 6

. The standing up game
. How to manage a Q/A session

Objective: Session 2

Delivering your presentation: Part 7

. Give handouts at theend, never at the beginning
. Finish with a bang( an impactful ending that leaves your audience thinking)
. Follow up


Objective: Session 1

. To understand professional ethics
. Criteria required for a profession
. Integrity and compromise
. Work ethics for all professions
. To discuss and share feelings and problems

Objective: Session 2

. To understand Purity and Integrity
. Realize value of Commitments
. Universal Ethical Capabilities of Individuals
. Obligations and Answerability for Actions
. Liability or Merit

Objective: Session 3

. To understand stress and what it leads to(discuss different types of pressures one faces day to day, that induce stress)
. What happens when we are stressed?
. How to manage Stress?
. To discuss and share personal experiences and feelings of managing stress

Objective: Session 4

. Self-respect as a moral concept of valuing oneself
. Self-esteem as a psychological concept of having a positive attitude towards oneself, even if it is unwarranted
. To discuss and share personal experiences and feelings
. Profession ethics
. Self-respect and Integrity as a tool
. Managing stress
. Self –Esteem and Accountability


Objective: Session 1

Understanding the following goals:

. Immediate Goals.
. Short Term Goals.
. Long Term Goals.

Objective: Session 2

How to set Goals: Part 1

. Write goals down: Crystallizing them and gives them more force.
. Keep low-level goals small
. Set performance goals, not outcome goals.


Objective: Session 1

Importance of personal branding

. Identify the importance of personal branding.

Objective: Session 2

Benefits of personal branding

. Discuss the benefits of personal branding.
. A well-built personal brand will help you attract attention from the kind of people you want attention from. . It will make you worth talking about.
. It will set you apart from competitors in your niche.
. It will help you develop some notoriety.
. It could make you famous within your target community


Objective: Session 1

Reading for research
. Why read? (importanceof reading)
. Coping with the research literature
. Basic reading strategies
. Using libraries Using the Internet

Objective: Session 2

. Good enough reading
. Reading about method as well as subject
. Recording your reading
. The literature review
. Issues in reading


Objective: Session 1

. Importance of Communication
. What is Communication?
. What are Communication Skills?
. Understanding the Communication process

Objective: Session 2

To develop

. Improved ability to resolve conflicts.
. Better feelings and ability to relate to others.
. To help each participant learn and practice active listening skills.
. To understand types of questioning and practice effective questioning.
. Help understand, identify, clarify, and learn the other person’s issues, needs, and perspective.
. Be considerate of others. Do not embarrass others.
. Don’t draw attention to yourself.
. When you speak, be concise.
. When a person does try his/ her best and fails, do not criticize him/ her.
. When you must give advice or criticism, consider the timing, whether it should be given in public or private, the manner and above all be gentle.
. Do not make fun of anything important to others.
. If you criticize someone else of something, make sure you are not guilty of it yourself.


Objective: Session 1

We Are Citizens of the World and We Have Rights!

. What are human rights?
. Who protects them?
. How do human rights relate to global citizenship?

Objective: Session 2

. Categorize and provide concrete examples of human rights.
. Learn about the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and articulate the significance of some of the rights within the convention.
. Locate and evaluate information reflecting a variety of sources and perspectives that pertain to students’ inquiry

Decision Making

Objective: Session 1

Understanding types of Decisions: Another way to explore decision-making is by considering the content of the decision

. Social or human decisions
. Economic or allocation decisions
. Technical or “what, when, how, who, why” decisions
. Coordination and interaction decisions

Objective: Session 2

Understanding the relationships among Decisions:

. Central and satellite decisions
. Chain decisions and Decision Trees


Objective: Session 1

Flexibility in Thinking: Part 2

. Understand resistance and where it is coming from.
. Scanning self-environment so that one can identify changes and their implications early on.
. Commit to learning. Experiment, test, and try.How not to give up after a few attempts

Objective: Session 2

Ways to Practice Emotional Flexibility: Part 1

. Creating support systems (mentors, friends, coaches, trusted peers, etc.) and encouraging employees to do the same.
. Providing and accepting prompt feedback, both positive and negative. This gives the practice in dealing with the emotional reactions of others.
. Learning to be clear, make and receive decisions and act-react decisively and positively. However, avoid bulldozing change or accepting such change.


Objective: Session 1

. Know the importance of competition(current market trends and competition strategies)
. Describe a competitive threat and an appropriate response(situation wherein another business or market trends might turn out to be like a threat for your business and how you will  overcome it)
. Know what S, W, O, and T mean for a business

Objective: Session 2

. Carrying out a SWOT analysis based on a scenario, and knowing that businesses can expand and the usual methods used to expand.(Analyzing the current threats to the business,  the internal strengths and weaknesses and working on improving them)
. Identifying advantages and disadvantages of expanding a business and having records of business analysis documents.
. Understanding the importance of using a business decision-making framework to assess the viability of business expansion.(Analyzing current business position and market trends to  suggests methods for expanding business and earning more profits in the long run)

Objective: Session 3

. Understand what is meant by customer care in business and why it is important to business. Introduction of an activity which decides how to find out what customers need(learning the  basics of customer satisfaction and simple tips to follow while providing your goods or services to them for the best results.)
. Learning to develop questions to ask customers as part of market research.(forming strategical questions that help you understand the needs, tastes and the mindsetof the customers  better)
. Understanding the wider advantages of good customer care to a business.( understanding the need for keeping customers happy, and how it is going to affect the overall sustainability  and growth of your business)

Objective: Session 4

. Understanding the importance of new products to businesses and to customers. (why is it essential to keep adding new products in the collection and how it is beneficial to the  customer as well as the business in general)
. Knowing the importance of teamwork and demonstrating their understanding of their own skills and the skills of those in their teams. (understanding the culture of teamwork and how it  is beneficial for a business)
. Carrying out a SWOT analysis with the group and develop understanding of problem solving and decision making.
. Understand unique selling points and be able to identify them in their product.

Objective: Session 5

. Define Profit(what is profit, how is your business earning you money?)
. Know the difference between income and profit( Determining what your earning are, and calculating the profit that you have on them)
. Understand business profits generate savings to support the entrepreneur, her family and her business